‘Make Do With Now’ sheds light on an emerging generation of architects and urban practitioners in Japan. Largely entering professional practicefollowing the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear di-saster, this generation is developing a range of critical, ecological, and social approaches that creatively ‘make do’ – with limited resources, found materials, and existing spaces – while seeking appropriate responses to the urgent problems of the present. Turning their backs on the traditional image of the architect-author, these practitioners are articulating a new architectural agency in working from the periphery, exploiting gaps in the system, and occupying new roles in the process that have previously been overlooked. Through newly commissioned photographs, films, and a wide range of models, the exhibition provides a multifaceted portrait of this generation and suggests new understandings of what architecture can be – and do
Link: Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum
Link: Christoph Merian Verlag CMV